Register now and use keywaa® FREE-Apps for free for a lifetime.
keywaa® ID only and keywaa® Lost & Found are and remain free of charge for you. In keywaa®-Manager you can create and manage as many IDs (100 new IDs per month) as you like. You can mark with these IDs all things you love to get them back in case of loss via the Lost & Found-system.
You can easily create your own markers. Or you can buy a professional one in our online store for one time 7,95 € – or 9,95 € in 8 colors and text of your choice – without any running costs. The best thing about the purchaseIDs is that you can text the eight-digit ID yourself, like or
For companies, we provide additional paid Apps for special applications at keywaa® BUSINESS. The revenues from this area refinance the development and operation of keywaa®so that we can offer you keywaa® Lost & Found can make available free of charge for a lifetime.