keywaa® introduces itself

  • keywaa® increases the chance of getting your favorite things back if you lose them.
  • keywaa® supports helpers in taking care of people in need of help in an emergency.
  • keywaa® helps you organize your things and makes your life smarter.
  • keywaa® protects your data and is honest, appreciative and innovative.

Glad you’re here!

keywaa® Lost & Found

Register for free for the keywaa® Lost & Found System and protect everything you love. With a high level of data protection, you ensure yourself the chance to get lost things back quickly.
Here you can find out everything about the Lost & Found system

keywaa® is a system for easily retrieving information and calling functions by QR scan with your smartphone keywaa® offers countless application possibilities, such as:

  • Marking favorite things to get them back in case of loss.
  • Tagging products to retrieve info or instructions.
  • Generating tickets to check admission privileges.
  • Announcement of own digital contact options via a short URL.
  • Access to contact and health data of people in need of help.

The special thing about keywaa® is:

  • A universal system for connecting numerous applications.
  • Simplest operation through the combination of known techniques.
  • The high data security with quality claim „Made in Germany“.
  • A lifetime free use of the portal and the basicApps.

Our data protection promise:

  • Your IP address will be anonymized. We only store three bytes of your Internet IP and can therefore not draw any conclusions about your person.
  • When you register, we only collect your e-mail address. We can not do without this, because we need a reliable way to communicate with you.
  • Your e-mail address and all personal data are transmitted and stored in our database in encrypted form to protect your data in the event of an attack.
  • Your email address is known only to us. It will not be given to any third party. The communication between you and a user is done by anonymous system mail address.
  • Additional personal data collected during your store order, such as your address data, is stored in a separate store database.
  • The system, databases and programs are stored on servers in Germany. Here you can learn more about the data protection commitment of our partner Hetzner Online.

Your data is safe with us!

The keywaa® Mission statement

We live in a time of change and are moving from a phase of throwaway society, hustle and bustle and waste to a time of reflection, value preservation and sustainable living

For this upheaval we have keywaa® and offer you a system that protects your loved ones and your things, organizes processes and simplifies your life. Discover the world of keywaa®-Apps and become a part of keywaa®.

We understand keywaa® beyond the factual as a commitment to a sustainable and innovative approach to life. Through the diverse possibilities and the connection of people and objects with digital processes is keywaa® a valuable lifestyle concept.

As a keywaa®-Member you are …

  • appreciative
    As a keywaa®-Member you show that values are important to you. You want to get your favorite things back in case of loss and you also want other people to get their items back and be happy.
  • honest
    At the same time you show that you are honest. Because you, too, will return lost and found items to their owners.
  • sustainable
    By using digital keywaa®-Apps you reach your goal without detours. You use purely digital processes, avoid driving distances and printing out paper. You return items to their owners and help finders return your possessions to you. As a result, things don’t have to be purchased anew. In short, you’re being environmentally conscious.
  • innovative
    As a keywaa®-Member, you have recognized and appreciate the opportunities of digital possibilities. You are on the cutting edge. You are innovative.

… and show it!

keywaa® is „Made in Germany

Developed and operated keywaa® by the digital agency REIMEDIA GmbH, based in Hamm, Westphalia. The Internet pioneers have been specialists in the development of web software, online portals and e-commerce solutions for 25 years. The agency serves numerous medium-sized companies and has been supporting multi-million e-commerce sales annually for more than twenty years

Software, operation and hosting of the keywaa®-System are carried out in Germany on the basis of the legal regulations, values and standards applicable here. To ensure a high standard of data protection, we do not directly access servers outside the EU.

The keywaa®-System is hosted on a dedicated server of Hetzner Online GmbH in Germany. We deliberately chose Hetzner Online because, in addition to its high-quality, high-performance servers, this hoster also takes responsibility for the environment by increasingly sourcing electricity from renewable energy sources. Hetzner Online uses electricity from renewable sources to power the servers in its data center parks.
More info on Hetzner’s environmental responsibility.

The word mark „keywaa“ and the word-picture mark keywaa® are registered trademarks at the German Patent and Trademark Office.

How keywaa® are you?

Sign up now for free and create your first keywaa®-IDs. Discover the growing world of keywaa®-Apps. Tag everything you love or create a digital business card